Category: Xamarin

.NET, C#, CSharp, Mobile, Programming, Xamarin

.NET MAUI – Xamarin.Forms successor

Today Microsoft announced .NET MAUI – a successor of Xamarin.Forms. Besides well known MVVM, .NET MAUI will use MVU (Model-Vue-Update) pattern. At first glance, the code will be much more readable (shorter) and closer to functional programming. Next milestone is single project for all types platforms. Right now, you need to have separate for iOS, …

.NET, Mobile, Xamarin

How to get iPhone X front camera depth data in Xamarin iOS?

How to get iPhone X front camera depth data in Xamarin iOS? This question has been raised in many places across the web. However I did not found any good description of this problem including Apple site. They have only quite generic description of required classes without tutorial. As one of the first step, we …

.NET, Mobile, Xamarin

Xamarin.iOS – Dropbox API v2 integration tips

Xamarin.iOS is not very popular platform. As shows Dropbox, for their API v2 they even do not provide even good SDK (in .NET, only for web based). If we consider any mobile development in Xamarin, the best examples which I found were dedicated to Windows Phone 8.1 and Xamarin.Android, so completly different approach. For iOS …

.NET, C#, CSharp, Mobile, Programming, Xamarin

Xamarin Live Player

Today I started playing with Xamarin Live Player. This tool allows to see the Xamarin.Forms live on device while you designing UI. It has beta version available on Test Flight. You need to register to get access to it. Unfortunately first experience was bad. I was waiting for a longer while to get information from …