Category: CSharp

.NET, ASP.NET, AWS, C#, CSharp, Programming, REST, WebAPI

AWS Cognito – Identity Pool usage in .NET Core

Some time ago I had to implement authorization and authentication for REST (.NET Core 2.1, the latest stable nuget package version is 2.1.3) web service using JWT tokens (bearer) using AWS Cognito Identity Pools. It was pretty hard to find the updated tutorials or materials (even on AWS most of the data is about old …

C#, CSharp, Programming

JetBrains research – The State of Developer Ecosystem in 2018

JetBrains just published they current research on the state of developer ecosystem. Key facts are: Java and JavaScript are still on top (recruiters: do not mess these technologies!). Also very popular are: SQL, Python, PHP, C#, C++. It seems like Kotlin and Rust are getting more popular. That was surprised me was statistics on employment: …

C#, CSharp, Library, Programming, REST

Refit as HTTP client

This post is dedicated to my colleague – Łukasz (his blog in Polish). Today I would like to introduce Refit library (GitHub repo). It is described as The automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Core, Xamarin and .NET. In Refit the interface with methods mapped to API actions is declared. I will use HNapi (Hacker …

.NET, C#, CSharp, Mobile, Programming, Xamarin

Xamarin Live Player

Today I started playing with Xamarin Live Player. This tool allows to see the Xamarin.Forms live on device while you designing UI. It has beta version available on Test Flight. You need to register to get access to it. Unfortunately first experience was bad. I was waiting for a longer while to get information from …

.NET, C#, CSharp, Library, Programming

Flurl.Http – HTTP unit testable client for .NET

So far the first choice of many people was RestSharp. Since few months new player is getting a piece of market – Flurl. In this post I would like to introduce this library, show how to use with .NET Core 2.0 and unit test the code. Code! Let’s start coding part with getting it – …